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Help Support

Peace, Love & Animals is a non-profit 501(c)3, No-kill animal rescue. Please help us to continue our work by leaving something behind for our pets before you leave our site.
One Time Donation
Donate $5 a Month
Donate $10 a Month



Donate to this organization through Drs. Foster and Smith
Dog Supplies - Cat Supplies

Our Goals

  • Promote the humane treatment of animals.
  • Establish a rescue friendly environment through adoption programs and public awareness.
  • Promote the importance of Spay and Neutering to control the pet population.
  • Build a rescue friendly shelter of which the community and City will be proud.
  • Educate the community on the humane treatment of animals, caring for abandoned strays, and finding homes for unwanted pets.
  • Providing foster or adoption service before animals are unjustly euthanized.

Come Visit Us!

Peace, Love, and Animals
19135 Nuclear Plant Road
Tanner, AL  35671

10:00am - 6:00 pm

Contact us directly at:
256-233-4343 or
Email us

Director of Animal Care & Welfare:
Cathy Oakley

Donation Coordinator:
Misti M Cooper